Studies reveal that Lutein prevents blindness by guarding the eyes from AMD or age-related macular degeneration. It also decreases the risk of cataracts.
Lutein is a pigment that helps protect the eyes. It can be found in
the areas of the retina’s light receptor- particularly in the macula
where the most possible damage of blue light can occur.
Blue light is the wave length within the visible spectrum of light.
It is present in varying degrees or intensity in all visible light
sources. When the eyes are exposed for too much blue light, a chemical reaction takes place in the eye’s retina.
With this Lutein works in two ways- it acts as a filter against the
harmful blue light and combats the free radical in the eye as an
anti-oxidant. Excessive exposure to blue light can lead to formation of
free radicals which can harm the eyes. Lutein prevents these radicals
from storing and from causing irreversible damage to the eyes.