Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dietary Supplements Overdose

Most people take dietary supplements to ensure that they are getting enough nutrients food couldn’t provide much. While a pregnant woman increases her intake of iron and calcium for the needs of her own body and for the unborn child, the daily dose of ascorbic acid and other vitamins can also be doubled in cases of serious infections. However, these instances should always be advised by a medical doctor. When it comes to daily nutrients and multivitamins, more is not good. There are certain limits for these supplements and taking much can be very harmful for the body.

The following are facts about the best dietary supplements that you could be abusing. Take note that most of these values are based on a 2000 calorie intake for people of 4 or more years of age. This is applied because it approximates the caloric requirements for postmenopausal women who have the highest risk for excessive intake of calories and fat. The maximum values are based on Food and Drug Administration (FDA) values, the World Health Organization (WHO), BBC Health values, the European Union Directive (based on FDA values) and values from various other governmental and private agencies in the USA and the UK.