Friday, November 10, 2017

When Antibiotics Wouldn't Work Anymore

In time, simple wounds cannot be treated by an ordinary antibiotic. Sadly, drug manufacturers won't develop new antibiotics anymore. So, what can we do if this happens?

In the Philippines, a lot of drugstores are becoming strict concerning antibiotic dispensing. The 'no prescription, no dispensing policy' is slowly being practiced. While people particularly the older generations are questioning this action (mentioning the older days), there are those that understands the consequences of an antibiotic misuse. With the latter type of individuals, the antibiotics campaign can indeed work. 

Image by the author

Unfortunately, since a drugstore is still categorized as a business establishment, there are some pharmacies that ignore the law of prescription drug dispensing. For a small price, they will dispense antibiotics. With this, people won't take the antibiotic dangers seriously.  If one drugstore won't give them antibiotics, they will only buy from another drugstore then to the next. Until, some greedy pharmacy dispenses their order.

It is sad to reflect upon the situation when an antibiotic won't work for a simple infection. And worst, to realize that even the strongest antibiotic won't cure a scratch. Death can only be the option for this.
Don't self medicate yourself with antibiotics. Only registered doctors can diagnose your disease, if you do have one. Please, spread the word. Finally, don't feel bad at a pharmacy for not dispensing antibiotics at your own request.

phoenix35 06 20 14

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