Friday, September 7, 2012

Losartan Substitute for Losartan HCTZ

Losartan potassium is a prescription antihypertensive drug.  It can be given in single or in combination with other antihypertensive medication. Amlodepine, a calcium antagonist is the usual combination with losartan. These two drugs are not generally taken at a time though. Prescribers usually give losartan in the morning then amlodepine in the evening for control of hypertension.  However, if the condition cannot be controlled by such combination, losartan plain is usually switched to losartan with the HCTZ or hydrochlorothiazide.

Dispensing error may happen and sometimes patients try cheaper alternatives. In the case of losartan and losartan HCTZ, won’t there be any problem if losartan plain is taken instead of a losartan HCTZ?